Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Holy Thole! Mets Win 1st Rubber Game On The Road In 2010!

The Rubber Game: Mets 3 Nats 2
R.A. Dickey vs Livan Hernandez

No Reyes but the word on the street is he'll be in the lineup Friday!

So at this point in the season I am in the real "the Mets have no chance of making the playoffs" world and I just try to watch every game with no expectations at all. None at all. And well it's working. 2 days in a row of enjoyment. I can get used to this. But enough of this small talk let's just get to the action and the fun that was had by Keith and Gary in the booth!

In the top of the 1st Beltran got a 2 out double. And then Gary Cohen busted out my favorite promo. "Carlos Beltran safe at second. Safe and secure, NY Life." Although Davis then grounded out and no scoring took place, this NY Life promo business was a huge theme in today's telecast! Oh you'll see shortly what I'm talking about!

In the bottom of the 2nd Adam Dunn led off and well he hit a foul ball into the stands. A foul ball that knocked some dude over. And well Keith could not contain himself and he just kept laughing. He realized he was wrong, "I shouldn't be laughing" but oh he kept giggling. It was really funny and well the dude was okay so what's the harm in laughing then, right?! I'll admit I was LOL-ing. I almost maybe fell off my couch.

In the top of the 3rd with 1 out Dickey singled, then Pagan singled and Hernandez singled too. On Luis's single to Morgan and Morgan's subsequent bobbling of the ball, Dickey scored, Pagan went to 3rd, and Hernandez was safe and secure at 2nd! And Gary Cohen once again got to say my favorite promo "R.A. Dickey safe at home, safe and secure, NY Life." So the Mets were up 1-0 at this point and it was up to Beltran to add some more runs to the scoreboard. And Carlos did just that! He rbi sac flied and the Mets were now leading the Nats 2-0. And well Keith wanted to throw his hat in the ring and try out Gary's NY Life promo. He said, "Safe and secure at home. Safe and Secure NY Life." But Keith messed up. He forgot to say who was safe and secure at HOME!!?? He totally didn't say Pagan's name and as a result, Gary told Keith he is "A work in progress." Keith also in this inning discussed with Gary how the Mets/Nats were the only NL game on this afternoon. Gary told Keith this was good because tonight once Keith was back in Sag Harbor he could watch all the games. And Keith said, "Yes I'll be safe and secure." Btw this is not the end of the NY Life fun! Back to the actual game! Davis flew out to end this inning. He flew out to a sunglasses-less Roger Bernadina who was struggling to make the catch. He did make the grab but Gary really thought Roger was an idiot for not having shades on. He recommended he put some on before the next inning. I guess Gary is very big on people protecting their eyes from those UV rays.

In the bottom of the 3rd Keith got to vent about a major issue that is making life in Sag Harbor very difficult for him. It's hard for him to get WFAN reception in his car. His radio hates him! Although he does have a satellite radio, when the Metsies are on the road he can't listen to Wayne and Howie, the reception blows and he wants to know how this situation can be remedied ASAP! Poor Keith. Poor Sag Harbor-ians!

In the bottom of the 4th the President's Race took place and it was no shocker. Teddy lost as usual. Jefferson won today but Keith and Gary expressed their concerns about the fact that Teddy still hasn't won one effing race yet! Gary is under the impression that perhaps Teddy's costume is heavier than the other dudes' garb. Keith just doesn't get the fact that the president who was in the best shape, who was an outdoors man, a rough rider could just lose all the time. Gary had to explain to Keith that those attributes belong to the real Roosevelt not the one that runs the races at Nationals Park. Keith maybe got what Gary was saying. Maybe not! Also in this inning, it only took Dickey 5 pitches to retire the side (Desmond, Zimmerman, Dunn).

In the bottom of the 5th Wilson Ramos with 2 outs and 1 on homered. This was his first major league homer, ugh. And now the game was tied 2-2, ugh ugh ugh. What is with all these homers Dickey is giving up lately? Sheesh.

In the bottom of the 6th Dickey averted major major danger zone danger! The bases were loaded with 1 out for Bernadina and what a relief it was to see Roger suck at life! Bernadina popped up! So now there were 2 outs and the bases were still loaded for Morse and Morse grounded out to Tejada and the inning was over, YAY!

In the top of the 7th the pinch hitter Nick Evans doubled, Thole scored and the Mets regained the lead 3-2. And this time Kevin Burkhardt announced, "Josh Thole safe at home. Safe and secure, NY Life." I told you there was more NY Life fun. Keith was very impressed by Kevin. He in fact said Burkhardt should do all the promos and that he could be the next Brando! Whoa!

In the bottom of the 7th Elmer Dessens pitched a 1,2,3 inning! I enjoyed that.

In the top of the 8th a man in the stands was shown keeping score on his iPad. Keith said no thanks to keeping score like that. Gary agreed! As a result this Jurassic Park-ian convo ensued:
Keith: You are a dinosaur!
Gary: I'm a fuddy duddy.
Keith: You are a pterodactyl.
Gary: What does that make you?
Keith: A triceratops!

In the bottom of the 8th with 2 outs and a man on 1st, Feliciano was in to face Adam Dunn. I was nervous about this. Dunn has a lot of homers on his belt. 34 to be exact and well thank goodness he decided to be a waste of life and he grounded out, side retired!

In the bottom of the 9th Taka was brought in to get save #5 and oh he was awesome! The pinch hitter Gonzalez grounded out to Wright, then Morse struck out. Then Espinosa was up and although it looked like he homered, thankfully the ball went foul. And then Taka got Espinosa to ground out and the game was over! The Mets won their first rubber game on the road this season. Dickey picked up win #10 and yep Taka got his 5th save!

And well next up for the Metsies are those first place at the moment Phillies. Mejia will face Halladay at Citi Field, oye. Roy is going for win #18. But you know what anything can happen!? I'm continuing to go into these games with no expectations and so I will have nothing to be disappointed about. But oh it would be great to have the Metsies beat the hell out of the Phils and be spoilers.

Well have a great night folks and to my fellow Jews and well Isaac Benjamin Davis happy new year!


  1. Danielle, I know I say this all the time but I love these recaps. I don't know how much other people read or enjoy them but I literally laugh out loud almost every time I read them, which for me is a rarity.

    But I have to question you on this: "I almost maybe fell off my couch."

    Almost? Or maybe?! Or both?

    And I'm like Keith, I'm a triceratops, definitely. He's the man.

  2. Thanks Brian that really means a lot! And in response to your question the answer is def both!

    But now I must ponder what Burkhardt would be!? A brontosaurus?
