Tuesday, September 07, 2010

GEE WHIZ! Dillon Gee Wins Major League Debut!

Game 2/Battle of the major league debuting right handers
Mets 4 Nats 1

Dillon Gee vs Yuneski Maya

Hey folks it's been a while. I was away for most of last week and well I just haven't had a chance to get to recap a game, I've been kind of busy but I'm back and this game was a ton of fun. Dillon Gee was a champ in his major league debut, Ike Davis continued to be a homer hitting fiend and well Keith Hernandez was on fire! Let's get to the highlight reel!

In the top of the first Isaac Benjamin Davis hit a 3 run bomb to give the Mets a 3-0 lead. Ike just can't stop hitting homers lately. I mean that was like his 3rd bombarino in the last 3 or 4 days. Keith actually commented on Ike's power. He said the following and it's one of the most amazing things I have heard come out of Hernandez' mouth all season long:
"Well he generates so much power when he gets the barrel of the bat on the ball in his little happy area, out over the plate and down. He can launch it!" After hearing this my Mom said, "So many Freudian slips!"

In the top of the second with 1 out Tejada doubled. Dillon Gee then rbi singled and the Mets took a 4-0 lead over the Nats. Wahoo!

Then another amazing thing happened. I saw the newest Lincoln MKS David Wright "The Game Has Officially Been Changed" commercial. In this one Davey has batting practice and then instead of his window going down and him busting out that great line he is just standing amongst many Lincoln MKS's and he drops the verse. It's quite great.

But back to the game!

In the bottom of the 4th Gee K'd the side. Desmond, Zimmerman and Dunn went buh bye!

AND to tonight's AT&T Trivia Question! This was a fun one!
Which starter has pitched the most games with a president in attendance?

Keith then remarked, "That's not fair, that's ridiculous!" Gary and Ron didn't find it unfair or ridiculous! They knew right away it was "The Big Train." And later it was revealed that oh yes it was Walter Johnson. He pitched 44 games in front of 6 different presidents. Neato!

After 5 innings Gee had not allowed a hit! His stats at this time were 2BB's 0H 0R 4K and 58 total pitches thrown. Right before this inning was over Willie Harris was waiting in the on-deck circle. Gary made a comment like, "Oh it's good to see Harris in the on-deck circle" since he appeared to get hurt badly in yesterday's game. But nope it was not good to see Harris at all.

In the bottom of the 6th with one swing of the bat the no hitter was gone. Harris hit a lead off solo homer. I wanted to throw something at Gary. I also wanted to throw something at myself for saying out loud to my Dad, "Oh this game is looking like it could be in my list of the top ten Metsies games of 2010!" With Willie being a royal pain in the tush, the Nats were down just 4-1 at this point and I felt like an ass for opening my mouth. Later with 2 outs and 2 on Adam Dunn hit what looked like it was going to be an extra base hit but nope Angel Pagan made a superb catch and the inning was over!

In the top of the 7th Willie Harris again proved to just be a pain in the tush. With two outs Dillon Gee popped up into foul territory. This was a pop up that many outfielders might not have caught but nope Willie was there to grab it. Damn him!

In the bottom of the 7th Gary, Ron and Keith mocked how big of a head the Nats pinch hitter Kevin Mench has. Seriously he wears a size 8. His head is huge. As a result of being mocked, big head singled. This was only the 2nd hit given up by GEE. This hit btw was almost caught by Tejada. Tejada who can jump like no other just missed grabbing it by inches. Ron, Gary and Keith said the following:
Ron: He has some hops!
Keith: Yep
Gary: 10 rebound guy!

In the bottom of the 8th everyone including Gary Cohen assumed Gee would pitch but nope Manuel opted to take him out and he brought in Perpetual Pedro. Gary uttered "This is unfathomable!" I feared the worst with this Manuel move but it actually wasn't a bad decision at all! Feliciano retired the first two batters, the pinch hitter Maxwell and then Morgan and Parnell came in for the final out. Desmond grounded out and it was time for the 9th. Oh but before I get to the 9th let's just look at GEE's amazing stats for the night:
1R 2H 4K 3BB 86 total pitches thrown

Before the top of the 9th I saw a "1800 Tequila Change The Game" commercial starring Michael Imperioli. These 1800 Tequila commercials are the worst. Tony Soprano needs to whack him again like NOW for making them. Oh that was so wrong and possibly a Freudian Keith Hernandez slip!

Ok to the bottom of the 9th! I was scared. Takahashi was in and he was looking like the BAD TAKA. Zimmerman singled with 1 out. Then Taka threw a wild pitch during Gonzalez's at bat and Zimm moved to 2nd. And then Gonzalez singled and there were men on 1st and 3rd with just the 1 out for the pinch hitter Pudge/Ivan The Terrible Rodriguez ahhhhhhhh! But an amazing thing happened! Pudge hit into the 6-4-3 double play and the ball game was over! The Mets beat the Nats and Gee won his major league debut! This game could be a top 10 game for this Mets season after all. I didn't jinx the Mets with my big mouth!

Tomorrow it's an early game, a 12:35pm start and Dickey is on the mound! His last start in DC was that horrible Strasmas game where K-Rod decided to ruin all Metsies fans dreams and he gave up all those runs in the bottom of the 9th. Ugh that was awful and hopefully Dickey this time around will get the victorino! NO DEJA VU. Well I guess it couldn't be deja vu exactly because we all know Frankie won't be pitching but still you guys know what I mean.

Have a great night folks!

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