Monday, August 02, 2010

The Schmuck Is On Me...

So instead of sitting through that horrible no good very bad Mets game yesterday I saw "Dinner For Schmucks." I give it like 3 stars. So this movie is silly, juvenile and very unrealistic but I rather enjoyed it. I have reservations recommending it just because I don’t know how many people want to spend $12.50 to see it. Yep that’s how much my ticket had cost, yikes. But I will say if you love Rudd, Carell, Clement and Galifianakis like I do chances are you will like this movie. Galifianakis at one point in the film says the following to Carell's character Barry, "Tell me I can eat your pudding." I’m not spoiling what that's about but it's hysterical.

Okay but enough of those schmucks because really I'm the real schmuck here it appears. Before the all star break after the Mets played the Braves at Citi Field during a FOX telecast I called the announcers of that game, Kevin Millar and Kenny Albert and the entire Braves organization schmucks. I said they were great folks to bring to a dinner for idiots. I still feel this way but I guess I'm an even bigger idiot than all of these gents put together because I have not recognized the fact that the Mets season is over. On the MLB network last night when highlights were shown from the Mets, D-Backs game whoever was reporting on this game said the following, "Now let's get to a game that was played between two teams that will definitely not be here in October!" And yeah I am not believing that statement just yet.

Tonight the Mets face the schmucky Braves for a 3 game series in ATL and well if they can somehow win these 3 games they will only be 3 1/2 games behind the Braves. If they lose 2 out of 3 of these games or well all 3 I guess I will face reality. But until then I'm not giving up hope! After the Mets play the Braves they take on the Phillies who are currently 2 1/2 games in front of our NY Metropolitans in the NL EAST. So the season isn't over yet! After these 6 games the Metsies still play the Phils and the Braves 16 more times I believe. So yeah as of now I'm a schmuck with ridiculous optimism! So Paul Rudd I'm ready to go to dinner!

I must now note two things that make me LOL:

1. During yesterday's Mets game (well I read this today) the announcer told the Citi Field crowd that the Phillies were currently losing to the Nats and well Ryan Howard had sprained his ankle. The crowd roared! They were all reveling in this news as was I this morning when I read about the game in the NY POST.

2. The Braves had traded their short stop Yunel Escobar to Toronto because well he sucked. Keith and Gary had even commented during the Braves/Mets series before the all star break that he was the most awkward and awful short stop they had ever seen play. Well since he's been a Blue Jay he's made incredible plays left and right and well I love it! That just puts a smile on my face because I rather enjoy Escobar sticking it to the Bravos!

So tonight is a new night and like I said call me a schmuck because I'm still rooting on these Metsies like no other. Santana is on the mound and well Tim Hudson is going to be a hard man to face but I'm gonna believe our squad can win. Optimism is my thing!

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