Monday, August 02, 2010

As Gary Cohen Remarked, "Turner Field, A Place Where The Mets Have Had Their Most Shocking Failures."

Game 1: Braves 4 Mets 1

Hudson vs Santana

Of course when Gary made this comment about Turner Field during the telecast right before the top of the 1st I was the schmuck who thought he was being prematurely pessimistic but nope I was wrong and he was just being a very logical realist. A sage in fact. Turner Field will always be an evil place for the Mets to visit during important moments in their seasons. And well this game was over after the bottom of the first inning. When the Mets are down 3-0 lately there is no hope for a victorino and yep that's how things played out once again. They had plenty of opportunities to get some runs on the board but nope Beltran's rbi double in the top of the 5th was the lone run for the Metsies.

Santana wasn't terrible, he struck out 11 batters (9H, 2BB) but giving up 4 runs including a solo homer that LARRY of all people hit in the bottom of the 7th just dug the Mets in a hole they were never getting out of. Santana isn't really to blame for all of the disastrous happenings from the 1st inning. Luis Castillo royally messed up. With men on 1st and 2nd and no outs, Chipper grounded a ball to Wright, Davey threw to Castillo and he got the force out at 2nd but Castillo just sucks and he couldn't complete the double play. And when the Mets don't complete double plays that they should nail the opponent always capitalizes and the Braves did just that. If the double play was a success this would have led the Braves to only score 1 run in the the 1st instead of 3. This could have been a completely different ball game but nope Castillo likes to crush Mets fans dreams like every second of a game. At least he's consistent, oye.

So this won't come as a shock, I want Luis Castillo gone. I would like him to take his lack of talent to South Beach. I thought if I said "Poof Luis you are the weakest link go to Miami immediately" it might work but nope he was still at Turner Field.

Really these losses just don't get any easier. You would think they would. I blogged this morning that well I wasn't giving up on the Mets and if that made me an idiot well that would be the title I would hold and Paul Rudd could take me to his dinner for schmucks. After this game I might just be ready to throw in the towel but with R.A. Dickey on the mound tomorrow night I can't give up just yet so I'm remaining a semi-optimistic schmuck for at least one more day.

But enough of this sulking and depressing stuff let me recap some Keith shenanigans from the booth:

Keith had a lot to say about the Braves first baseman Troy Glaus. Here we go:
"He's long legged, jeez."
"He's no spring chicken."
"Jolly Giant!"
"Boris Karloff!"

Keith also had some things to say about Matt Diaz:
"Deking will get him the Charlton Heston award."
"He's an awkward hitter."
"He does not have a pretty swing."
"He's a hustler!"

He called Omar Infante a "pesky little hitter." Hell yeah he is!

When Gary and Keith discussed Martin Prado's pinky injury, Keith said "A broken pinky sounds terrible! What do you call it a small finger? Anything but a pinky!" Gary then told Keith if he wants he could call the pinky a "Fifth metacarpal."

Keith didn't just discuss the Bravos. He got to the Mets as well. Keith mentioned how Francouer is so anxious at the plate lately that "You can see the anxiety in his teeth." Really is that possible? And if so is that why Frenchy can finish like 43434343 bags of sunflower seeds during one game? He also commented on Frenchy's teeth being like the teeth of Bela Lugosi. And well Hernandez assumes all of us younger folk watching the game know nothing about old movies so he had to explain that Lugosi is the guy who played Dracula. He has no faith in us fans!

Then Keith at one point talked about Atlanta:
"Atlanta is not what it used to be in the 70's. It was such a great downtown area then."
"Traffic is as bad here as it is in Los Angeles."
"Atlanta is the 9th most populous city." I really don't know if this stat is true. Keith is terrible at counting and anything numbers related so this factoid is definitely in question. It needs to be reviewed.

Keith had Pete Rose on the brain. He mentioned him a lot. That was weird. At least I found it odd.

He said "Hallelujah" in regards to the National League winning the all star game. He really hates the AL with a passion!

And lastly Keith does not believe the radar gun. He thinks it is a big fat liar. He's pretty certain it's always 3 or 4 mph off. He could be right but then again I tell you he's terrible at the numbers and counting so who really knows!?!

Okay so I don't know how much longer I can really say tomorrow is a new day but it is. Let's go Mets oye it's getting harder to chant that or well type it.

And is it just me or as these games become harder to watch the commercials on SNY just keep getting worse and worse!!?? Really I am quite certain the commercials just stunk up the joint tonight.

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