Thursday, September 30, 2010

UPDATES On Your Favorite Former And Current Metsies!

Blah blah blah the Brewers swept the double header yesterday, blah blah it's over and done with and I'm not recapping that horribleness. We can just pretend it didn't happen. I like to pretend! So now instead I'd like to share a few updates with you folks about some current Metsies and well some former NY Metropolitans! Giddy up!

First let's start with Carlos Beltran.
So the reports on Beltran's right knee are not so terrible sounding. There is mild inflammation in that right knee of his but no further damage to it was detected! He is done for the season now (which sucks). So yes folks we'll get to maybe see Chris Carter make some more terrible plays for the remaining 4 games of the season. Ugh I enjoy "The Animal" but really he is one of the worst Metsies outfielders ever.

Next up let's talk about Perpetual Pedro baby. After yesterday's double header he has now made 91 appearances. Granted I'm probably not the only person who could have done without him giving up 2 runs in that 91st appearance. Sheesh.

Thirdly, David Wright now has 28 homers and 100 rib eye steaks. This is the 5th time out of six seasons that Davey has had at least 100 rib eye steaks!

Now to the former Metsies. Jeff Francouer is killing it in Texas. Oh yes I'm the Frenchy fan who checks the Texas Rangers box-scores daily. Yes I do this. So last night he contributed to another Rangers victorino. They beat the Mariners 6-5. Jeff went 2 for 5. His BA as a Ranger is now .354. It was up to .389 at one point, whoa right!? I would love nothing more for the Yankees to face the Rangers in the playoffs and for Frenchy to kick some Bronx Bombers ass on a nightly basis. I'll take a few assists and a game winning homer off of Mariano!

And lastly today's Metsies Page 6 NY Post item is not about Keith but Darryl Strawberry. And no no he wasn't making out with anyone. Here we go!
"Darryl Strawberry whipped out his wallet to save a lady in distress on his way to CBS to tape 'The Tim McCarver Show' the other day. The Mets and Yankees legend and owner of Strawberry's Sports Grill spotted a young woman crying to a taxi driver over her fare. The damsel had left her wallet at home, so Strawberry pulled out his and shelled ot the $15 fare plus another $10 to appease the angry driver. 'Don't sweat it' our spy overheard him telling the passenger.

Ok well those are the updates...for now!

Tonight Dillon Gee is on the mound. I enjoy Mr. Gee or as a friend of mine calls him "Dillon G-Unit!" Let's go Mets! At this point they have to win the 4 remaining games to just be EVEN STEVEN, ugh. Maybe that can happen!?

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