Saturday, September 11, 2010

FOX Experienced Technical Difficulties But Big Pelf Didn't!

Game 2: Mets 4 Phils 3

Big Pelf vs Kyle Kendrick

I have never seen anything like what happened in today's telecast. FOX Saturday Baseball stunned me. Oh it did. I am still officially in shock. Let me explain. For most of this game, well at least from the 6th inning on FOX was experiencing technical difficulties like no other. There was sound but there was no announcing going on. Somebody finally shut Tim McCarver up! I really have no idea what happened and FOX didn't want to fill viewers in either. But they did make sure to have a big graphic appear that highlighted the fact that "COPS" and "America's Most Wanted" are on tonight. Ergo life can go on! But before all of this technical difficulties mishgabobble happened McCarver did say some things that are key to note. And then after some McCarver deep thoughts I'll get to the game!

Oh McCarver. Tim is convinced Minaya and Manuel after this season are goners. I think we all believe this. But I don't know if everyone is thinking what Tim's thinking about who will be the new Metsies manager for 2011. Tim said that the ONLY man that could help the Mets sell tickets for next season and well the ONLY man who can be a ray of hope for us fans is Bobby Valentine. As much as I would be very pleased for the return of Bobby V and his mustache wearing doppelganger I just don't see this happening. But hey I'd love to be wrong on this one. Time will only tell.

Ok now the game, here we go!

In the bottom of the 1st there were men on 2nd and 3rd for Isaac Benjamin Davis! And well I guess Ike is enjoying the Jewish new year thus far and he singled and the Metsies took a 1-0 lead over the Phils.

In the bottom of the 3rd Jose Jose Jose led off with a solo homer. That homer is his 9th on the season and well that blast gave the Metsies a 2-0 lead over the Phillies.

In the bottom of the 6th the Mets missed an opportunity to score with the bases loaded and 1 out. Luis Hernandez flew out to Werth, the ball was hit very shallow to right field but Wright was still attempting to score from 3rd and Werth wanted to do his best Jeff Francouer impression and ugh he threw Davey out at home. So the side was now retired and this sucked but what didn't suck was the fact that in the beginning of this inning Charlie Manuel brought in the Phils reliever Antonio Bastardo. BASTARDO! I mean maybe it's just me but this surname belonging to a Phillie will amuse me until the end of time.

In the bottom of the 7th Isaac Benjamin Davis continued to just kick ass and take names in this Jewish new year. With the bases loaded and 2 outs, Manuel had Wright intentionally walked and Ike made Charlie pay for that managerial move! Davis singled, Pagan and Feliciano scored and the Metsies took a 4-0 lead over the Phillies. Ike was 4-4 in today's game with 2 doubles and 3 rib eye steaks!

But the Mets of course had to make this game a GAME. They couldn't just let us fans not sweat for one stinking day. With 1 out in the 8th and 1 man on Big Pelf was taken out of the game and Jerry brought Parnell in.

Pelf's stats: 7.1IP 6H 2ER 0BB 5K

And thanks to the combo of Parnell and then Feliciano the Phils narrowed the gap and were down just 4-3. They scored 3 freaking runs this inning. Can any lead ever be safe?! Oye. After Ryan Howard doubled the Mets lead was cut to 4-3. UGH UGH UGH. But Acosta came in to face Werth and well Jayson struck out, yay!

In the top of the 9th the Metsies wanted to make fans sweat again. They must figure the weather outside is wonderful, there's a nice breeze in the air but it's not fall yet and well we want to pretend it is still summer and sweat. I don't know about anyone else but I'm fine with not sweating! Takahashi came in to close this game out. Thanks to Nick Evans in left, a line drive hit by Ibanez was out numero uno instead of a lead off single! Then the pinch hitter Sweeney doubled. Then Valdez grounded out but Sweeney moved on over to 3rd and it was up to Ruiz to tie this ball game up. And thank the baseball gods Ruiz grounded out and the Mets held on to win this game 4-3. Pelf is now 14-9 on the season and Takahashi picked up save #6. And FOX's announcing team this whole time was just silent. Seriously as I mentioned before I'm still in shock by this. It was just gosh darn it weird and the fact that no explanation was ever made to what caused the SILENCE was just terrible on FOX's behalf. But really the Metsies won and I didn't have to listen to McCarver mock the Mets when Philly was making a comeback so why am I bitching and moaning!

Tomorrow in the rubber game the match-up on the mound is Oswalt vs Niese. I really don't know what to expect out of Jon or Roy. This could be a great pitcher's duel but you never know. Regardless I'd just love for the Metsies to continue to spoil the Phillies chances of winning the division or getting the wild card spot. If the Mets could help contribute to a Phillies collapse in September that would just be glorious. But I am trying to be a realist nowadays and it really looks like Philly to me will take the division. I am predicting the Phils to win the NL East and for Atlanta to just get nothing. Not even the wild card spot will be had by Atlanta. Yep that's my Nostraadamus beliefs and I'm sticking to them.

Have a nice night folks!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    To be fair, McCarver didn't say Bobby V WOULD become the next manager. He acknowledged that Valentine and the Mets parted on bad terms when he left.

    McCarver just said (as you pointed out) that Valentine would be the ONLY manager to excite the fan base.

    I have to say, I was comfortable with Backman being the manager, but after listening to McCarver, I want Valentine back!
