Monday, July 05, 2010

We Hold This Truth To Be Self Evident: No Mets Victorino Comes Easy

Yeah that was some fan at the game. He amused me.

Game 4: Mets 9 Nats 5

Good Takahashi vs Craig Stammen

After Saturday night's debacle in the bottom of the 9th KRod delivered a mea culpa. He said, "This was the worst performance I ever had in my entire life. I should be ashamed of myself. I'm so embarrassed and I just want to apologize to the fans who were watching that I know better than that."

I don't know about anyone else but this apology made me feel slightly better. I still wanted to throw KRod's goggles in a river somewhere (I think they are the root of all of his troubles, think about it folks) but it was nice to see he realized he effed up. So many times this season he's so over the top with his antics after his saves (that never have come easy) that you start to think he just doesn't realize he has to step it up.

Well yesterday afternoon KRod got a chance to step it up and prove he is "capable of better than the job" he did Saturday. With no outs and men on 1st and 2nd (men that were on base thanks to an overworked Bobby Parnell, yeah I said it Jerry Manuel, you are going to pull a Fernando Nieve on Bobby! Where is Nightly Nieve? Forgotten Fernando come back!)in the bottom of the 9th, Jerry asked his closer to preserve a Mets 9-5 lead over the Nats. The first batter KRod would face was Adam Dunn. Immediately I felt like I was watching one of my favorite movies "Groundhog Day" and KRod was Bill Murray. And I guess Adam Dunn was Andie MacDowell?!

Didn't we just see Frankie face Dunn Saturday night in a pretty similar situation? Yeah we did and we all know how much we did not like that outcome. But thankfully Rodriguez like Bill Murray learned how to make the day turn out right and Frankie got his 20th save and the Metsies won. KRod got Dunn to ground out YAY! It should have been a double play but Dunn was safe at first. So now there was 1 out and men on 1st and 3rd for of course that pain in the ass Met killer Josh Willingham. And Josh struck out YAY YAY YAY! And Yay Frankie! Next up however was the true test for Rodriguez, Roger Bernadina was the pinch hitter. Would Frankie get the final out or would Roger beat Frankie? Roger was majorly pissed after being picked off Friday night but Frankie also knew if he didn't get this out he would be hated more than Lady Gaga by Metsies fans! Then before Roger could do too much damage Dunn took off on defensive indifference and runners were now on 2nd and 3rd, ahhhhhh! Yeah I said "FUCK" once this happened. But Bernadina would stay pissed! Roger grounded a ball toward Isaac Benjamin Davis, Ike made a great diving stop, he threw to Frankie who was covering first and Bernadina was out! All Mets fans were allowed to finally exhale! Yay Bill Murray KRod and the Metsies win!

Now like KRod's mea culpa I have my own to express. I was so excited to recap this game yesterday. I had all my material ready and I was going to bang this one out right away. BUT my computer was being more of an ass than Josh Willingham and it just kept telling me "You suck you suck I'm gonna keep freezing so you can't use me, haha." Yeah that's the convo that took place between me and my computer. As you can see my computer is kind of a bitch. Needless to say I'm sorry about this. And no this is not me making excuses like Jerry Manuel for KRod. Seriously Jerry said yeah Nationals Park "has been trouble for him, this is just one of those parks." Yeah yeah Jerry nice try. I never like to hate on players or Manuel, I'm nice like that but this lameness I am not having. I'm sorry I have to be honest about that. But please forgive me for being lame myself yesterday and here's a bit more of a recap! Gary and Ron were hysterical in the booth!

So here are some Metsies that deserve to be highlighted for their great play yesterday:

The Mets took an 8-0 lead over the Nationals and they were cruising for most of this game.

Jay Bay got a 2 run triple in the top of 1st which gave the Metsies an early 2-0 lead over the Nats. Bay also scored 2 more runs in the top of the 4th! Canadian Bay now has 41 rib eye steaks and 6 triples. Who knew after 82 games Jason would have the same number of triples as homers? Call me crazy but I think he's going to have a stellar second half. I envision big things for Jay Bay! Lots of BOMB-BAYS are on the way! Well I hope they are. Occasionally I'm right about these things.

In the top of the second Pagan was BACK to his hitting ways. He didn't look like the back was bothering him at all! Angel got an rbi single that gave the Metsies a 3-0 lead over the Nats! Pagan also got an rbi double in the top of the 7th!

Barajas might be out of his slump! I think he really might! In the top of the 3rd he doubled and then in the top of the 7th he singled! Before this hit the Nats reliever Batista had retired 7 Metsies in a row, yay Rod for snapping that streak! As Gary said, he had a "revitalizing afternoon." Yeah he did!

In the top of the third Isaac Benjamin Davis got a 2 run homer! His 10th long ball of the season on his 250th at bat! Yay Ike. (Btw David Wright was the man on base and he had singled). And congrats Davey on making the All Star Team! I'm glad everyone went GAGA for Wright! He deserves it! 94 strikeouts or something like that and he's still batting over .300 and he is still leading the league with 64 rib eye steaks. Yeah Wright you are doing good!

Frenchy got a 2 out rbi double in the bottom of the 4th! At this point the Metsies were up 8-0 over the Nats!

And after Angel's rbi double in the 7th that I mentioned up above the Metsies were up 9-3 over the Nats!

And the Mets were able to coast in this one thanks to the GOOD Takahashi. Yes thank goodness Dr. Jekyll and not Mr. Hyde was in Washington DC yesterday. Besides giving up a 3 run HR to Zimmerman in the bottom of the 6th GOOD TAKA had snapped back from his previous 2 starts where he had only pitched 9.2 innings and well he had given up 12 runs, ick ick.

Takahashi was taken out of the game after a Dunn single (that came right after the Zimm homerun). Dessens was brought in to face Willingham with nobody out and Dunn on first. And this time Josh was an ass and he was safe at 1st with an infield hit. And then Dessens beaned Morse, ugh. The bases were loaded with no outs for the pinch hitter Adam Kennedy and Elmer came up huge and he struck out Kennedy! Then Nieves grounded into an inning ending double play and whoaaaaaa as Gary said Elmer, "stops the bleeding!" I wanted to give Dessens a big hug, oh I did.

Yet no Mets victorino is coming easy this season.

In the bottom of the 7th Feliciano was the new pitcher, and Zimmerman killed the Metsies again, he rbi singled and the lead was just 9-4. OH those pesky Nats. Then with 2 outs and men on 1st and 3rd, Willingham was the batter and Igarashi was called in from the bullpen to face him. And he struck Josh out! Whoa! Side retired, yay Rocketboy!

In the bottom of the 8th Igarashi was still pitching and he gave up a 1 out triple to Kennedy, boo! Then Nieves singled, Adam scored and the Mets lead was just 9-5 over the Nats, ugh ugh ugh. I said "Fuck" again. I need my mouth to be washed out with soap after all these games in Washington DC, sheesh. But then Harris flew out and Morgan lined out to Cora and we were headed to the 9th!

And you know since I spoiled the ending to this one the Metsies won 9-5 and KRod got that 20th save of his! But again I stress this win did not come without all Metsies fans pacing back and forth, ugh.

So let me now get to some great booth shenanigans!

So during every Nats home game they do a "Presidential Race" where Teddy Roosevelt, George Washington, Abe Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson race. And Teddy never wins. He has never won at all. I'm not sure who won yesterday, it was either Jefferson or Washington. I think Jefferson now that I look at the above image but I'm not sure. I know it's terrible of me to not know this outcome.

But what wasn't terrible? Ron, Gary and Kevin's discussion on the prez race. Kevin thinks the reason Teddy never wins is well every time the race starts he's in the middle of eating a sandwich. Gary decided that maybe more presidents need to be added to the race to give Teddy a better chance. He thought maybe FDR would be a good runner. Then he said, "Oh wait the wheelchair, that might be a dicey situation!" Damn that polio Gary right?! Gary also joked about Harrison joining the race, "The race will probably last longer than his term in office," ZING zing zing! Gary also mused, "Do you think they pick the slowest runner to put in Teddy's costume?" Ron was not agreeing with any of these ideas or suggestions. He just said the more runners you add to the race, the more people Teddy is going to lose to. And again I say poor Teddy! AND Cohen basically decided he enjoys the Brew Crew's "Sausage Race" much more than this prez race. "At least in Milwaukee the chorizo sometimes wins!" Yeah Gary I am on your side on this one!

Later Teddy was shown signing autographs for fans. The booth decided Teddy is better at the slow walk and signing his John Hancock for fans! They also joked that it has to be hot in that suit, and that that head is so big to lug around! Teddy you suck at races and you have a big head. Again I say poor Teddy!

And now to POOR GARY COHEN! Ron wanted to hear about Gary's experiences attending the Strasmas game as a fan (and I did too!). Gary's day at Nationals Park was not that fun. Granted any Metsies fan attending was going to hate their experience but Gary's sucked! He was seated right behind 3rd, about 25 rows back and he had an aisle seat. Sounds good enough right? NOPE. It turns out having an aisle seat blows! Gary said he could only see about 1 out of every 3 pitches thrown. There was a constant stream of people walking up and down the aisle with food. Yeah he decided that Nationals Park needs to institute a rule where people cannot walk the aisles while the inning is in play! I second his motion! He also came to the sad realization and it is sad that in this modern day people don't go to games to watch them. They just go to eat and well talk about anything other than the game. Well Gary if it makes you feel better I go to games to watch!

Well that's it folks. Tonight we face the hot hot hot Cincinnati Reds and I'll be honest I'm afraid. Joey Votto and the Reds scare me. Did you know they hit 7 homeruns in their 14-3 victorino over the Cubs yesterday. Yeah they did and Drew Stubbs hit 3 homers, ahhhhh. Yeah so I'm frightened but we have Pelf on the mound and he's gotta be slightly pissed about not making the all star team. I hope he takes out some of that anger on the Reds. And speaking of snubs, can you believe Joey Votto (.312BA, 19HR, 57RBI's) didn't make the team too? Yeah Gary Cohen was mad about this. He just doesn't get it and I'm sure tonight he'll let us know this yet again. And really Gary can say anything and I won't care. He's the man. So let's go Mets! Let's cool down these Reds!

And if you didn't know from the gazillion times SNY has promoted this event, it's PYROTECHNICS night at Citi Field. After the game it's all about the fireworks, woot woot!

Oh and congrats to Reyes on making the all star team too! And yeah I hate the Nats but Matt Capps I'll send out a congrats to you too!

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