Monday, July 26, 2010

We Gotta Soldier On...

Hey folks I'm sorry I haven't done recaps as regularly as I used to. Honestly it's just been very difficult for me lately. This 11 game road trip knocked me out. I just am at a loss for words. And who knows what will happen today? Will Howard Johnson be fired? Will Manuel get the boot? Can we just fire Razor Shines for the hell of it? But seriously I don't want this team to change. Call me crazy but I think Minaya should let Manuel and Johnson man their respected posts. I mean I know the Mets have sucked since the all star break, we all know this but really if the bats are slumping like they have been is that really the hitting coach's fault? Is HOJO to blame for David Wright striking out every other at bat? Is Beltran's lackluster return Johnson or Manuel's fault? I really don't think it is. In my opinion when guys aren't hitting no amount of extra batting practice or team meetings will work. The Mets just need to attack each game on a game to game basis at this point. There are still so many games to be played! They gotta soldier on. They can take 20 out of the next 25 games. And I think having today off will be really good for our squad and well us fans. I am going to soldier on and I hope the rest of you guys will too.

I heard Craig Carton on The FAN with Boomer Esiason this morning before I went running and he commented that if the Mets don't make some changes on this D-day they won't have many fans at the game tomorrow or for the rest of the season. For one Carton got me running really fast this morning. I had a lot of frustration to get out. Working out after these Mets losses is quite cathartic. Secondly I just don't agree with Craig at all. I want to still go to games. I actually want to get to Citi Field either Thursday for the 12pm game against STL or the game Sunday against the D-Backs. And thirdly I already said I don't want anyone fired. I am an optimist and I just can't give up on these guys at all and I like Manuel. I'm not done rooting them on and I'm sticking around. They can't get rid of me that easily.

And now I just want to look at R.A. Dickey for a second. This man has been the most amazing thing about this 2010 Metsies season (for me at least). Can you imagine where the Mets would be if they didn't give him that chance to start against the Nationals back in May!? He has been such a pleasure. And after seeing his last two starts in San Fran and LA can you imagine what his record would be like if he was on either of those respective squads? The knuckleball just loves that consistent nice weather. It feeds off of it. It dances the cha cha, the merengue, the macarena and the electric slide. And really even though Dickey is 35 considering he's a fighter, a bulldog, a trooper I can only think that if he stays healthy he could give the Mets another 5 years at least. I'm thankful for R.A. Dickey. I really am.

And lastly I just hope Frenchy doesn't get traded to the Royals or well any other team. I don't approve of moving Francouer at all!

So tomorrow is a new day, and Niese is on the mound. Jon has been great and well if the Mets can get that offense going a win is in reach. STL is going to be tough but you know what the Mets can get victorinos. I'm believing in the NY Metropolitans.

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