Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Mets offense is still MIA in San Fran. Somebody please send out a rescue team STAT!

Game 2: Giants 1 Mets 0

The battle of the lefties: Barry Zito vs Jon Niese

This was Zito's 339th career start. In fact he has never missed a start due to injury! Gosh him and Linecum are freaks, sheesh.

Reyes was out of the lineup again. But during the day he was seen in the batting cages! Manuel now says the earliest Jose will start is tomorrow afternoon. Yeah I'll believe it when I see it.

Frenchy was back in right field. Crazy Horse had the night off. Well he got to pinch hit in the top of the 8th...

Keith and Gary were wearing suits!

Well the Mets bats are still asleep in SF and they kind of caused me to drowse off during this game too. I actually pulled a Hernandez and I did conk out during the 2nd inning. Yeah I'm a grandma at times. It's hard to stay up for these West Coast games! BUT of course I watched some of the game this morning (yay to the DVR) so I could do a little recap. This is my plan, I'm gonna speed through the recap, zoom zoom zoom past the awfulness and then I have a lot of great surprises to cheer us up with. Oh you will be laughing (well I hope you folks will LOL) by the time you are done reading. Hint hint you might LOL about a certain former Yankee! Ok here we go!

The Metsies lineup:

This game all came down to the bottom of the 4th. Jonathon Niese and Barry Zito were both incredible last night but the one run Niese gave up in this inning was the one run that did the Mets in. With one out Huff was walked. Then that fricking awesome rookie Buster Posey (I think I might start to call him Baby Face Nelson)doubled. Buster had thrown out Tejada in the top of this inning and after this double Keith told Gary he thinks Buster might just be another Johnny Bench. WHOA right?! He is pretty awesome all right. So with runners on 1st and 3rd and 1 out that Mets killer Pat Burrell was up. Gosh I forgot how much I hated him from his days on the Phils and well he reminded me in this game. Burrell grounded a ball to Cora, Alex through home to Barajas but Huff was safe. The Giants took a 1-0 lead over the Mets and Huff did one of those Jersey Shore fist pump things as he walked back to the dugout. Ick ick ick! Niese then struck out Uribe and Kung Fu Panda flew out to Beltran to end the inning.
BTW these were Niese's stellar stats from yesterday:
7IP 6H ER 3BB 4K

AND Zito was just magnificent last night, ugh. He had been struggling after starting out 5-0 this season and well the Mets just had to go and help him get back on track. I mean that was sweet of them and all but really I would have preferred Zito to live up to his sucking on the mound lately reputation! Besides the top of the 4th when Zito gave up a lead off single to Tejada the only other hit he gave up was a Beltran 2 out double in the top of the 7th. Unfortunately Frenchy popped up in foul territory to end the inning. Of course who caught that ball, that damn fist pumping Huff! He actually almost fell on Kevin Burkhardt when he made this play. Kevin later told Keith and Gary, "I didn't want Huff falling on me, he's a big guy!"

Zito unlike his buddy "The Freak" only shutout the Mets for 8 innings!
8IP 2H 2BB 10K 112 total pitches thrown
Haha no complete game for you Barry!

The Beach Boy Brian Wilson pitched in the top of the 9th and yeah he had to go and get his 24th save. The Mets had a chance to do something. With 2 outs Wright singled! Beltran unfortunately was no match for the sweet music Wilson was pitching his way and Carlos struck out and the Giants shutout the Mets yet again. Before these last 2 games I was a big fan of the city of San Francisco. I really enjoyed the time I had spent there a few years back. But now I hate SF. It's just a mean place and no friend to the Metsies or Metsies fans.

Okay enough of that terribleness now let's laugh! In the top of the 1st, Keith and Gary made fun of Barry Zito's wardrobe. They played the role of fashion police. It was hysterical and I'd like to see them take these characters to the big screen!

Keith: Very interesting stripes Zito is sporting out there on his socks. Can't say that I care for it.
Gary: Not a big fan of the muted orange stripes?
Keith: Not a big fan.
Gary: Well it's not quite Prince-tonian. You know it's a similar color, "The Halloween look." I'll tell you what, I like the socks better than the orange jerseys. I'm not a fan of those.
Keith: The orange tops. They used to wear them back in our day when I played and they are UGLY. Sorry.
Gary: They've got beautiful home uniforms with the creamy white that they wear.
Keith: Yep yep yep. I love their road uniforms.

Then in the top of the 9th Gary and Keith mocked the hairstyle of the Beach Boy Brian Wilson. It was great.

Gary: Brian Wilson with that entertaining hairdo.
Keith: You think.
Gary: That is something. It just makes you wish you could see the rest of it...or maybe not.

And now to my special treat. Let's laugh at the Yankees! So all of a sudden SNY started to air this Tino Martinez commercial that is just so bad that it's good. It's Tino telling viewers to get a car at Bay Ridge Toyota.

He wants those watching to go on that internet thingy and click on his picture. If you do that, you get a Tino T-Note which is worth $1000 off your next new or used car at Bay Ridge Toyota. Then Tino actually shows off the T-Note.

I wasn't impressed. He's no Andrew Jackson on the twenty at all! Martinez says the following while he holds this T-Note:
"I say the 'T' stands for me Tino. They say it is 'T' for thousand. Either way it's a pretty great picture of me and a really good deal for you!"

Tino's acting rather sucks in this one. He's no Paul O'Neill on "Seinfeld."

So tonight is a new night. Pelf is not on the mound as previously advertised. He has neck stiffness. And if you guys are fans of the show "Curb Your Enthusiasm" like I am you know Larry David is pretty sure there are only 2 ways you get pain in your neck! If you watch the show think about those 2 reasons and I know which one I think it is but I'm not telling. It's a little inappropriate for a recap! Well with Pelf out Takahashi will take on Matt "I like to bean David Wright in the head" Cain. So yes tonight also marks the first time Davey will face Cain since Cain hit him back on August 15, 2009. All I say now is please Matt Cain keep your balls away from Dave's head. I guess we should realize this also means SNY will constantly show David getting beaned because we haven't been horrified by that image enough already!

So let's hope for the Metsies bats to wake up and for the Good Takahashi to be at AT&T Park tonight! The Mets can still win the next two games. It is possible. Let's believe they can! Optimism isn't so bad!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Please, please, please someone tell Tino Martinez that he is the worst fucking announcer ever!

    Hey Tino, don't you have any self-respect???????

    Your voice is not made for broadcasting. Listen to yourself, for Christ's sake! Consider taking some voice lessons, and them maybe you might qualify for a minor market. But now you are embarrassing the Yankees. Listeners are laughing at you. You were a good player, but that doesn't entitle you to be a broadcaster. You simply can not speak clearly, and no amount of baseball knowledge is going to offset that disability.
