Thursday, July 01, 2010

Can The Mets Go Back To Puerto Rico?

Game 1: Nats 2 Mets 1

Santana vs Hernandez

On Canada Day there was no Pagan, Reyes or Bay in the starting lineup...

I never thought I'd utter those words, "Can the Mets go back to Puerto Rico?" but after this loss I'm saying it! In my opinion this Nats victorino made the 2 losses in Florida seem like nothing. This loss has made me physically ill. I miss Puerto Rico, now how effed up is that?! And SNY I'm still waiting on that rum of Puerto Rico. I don't care if the Mets are in Washington DC I could sure use it now!

Before tonight's game I was talking to my dad about Ryan Zimmerman and I was saying how we've been pretty lucky this season with Zimm. Basically my point was that even though he's an amazing player (and yeah he is) offensively he hasn't killed the Mets so far and I had been delighted by this. It's been Adam Dunn, Roger Bernadina, Willie Harris and Josh Willingham that have owned the Metsies asses. But after Zimm's bottom of the 9th walk off rbi sac fly I regret opening my big fat mouth. I should just take a vow of silence like Stephen Strasburg. Yeah Burkhardt said in one of his segments tonight that Stras just like doesn't talk at all. Well after each start he'll say something very brief and then he's all mute until the next start. Yeah that kid is a freak of nature.

BTW Keith Hernandez is not allowed to enter Washington DC. Okay I don't know if that's true but he does have off this series so yeah the booth action was not so great tonight. Thus this is what I am going to do to make this recap not so painful. I'll quickly get to how we lost this one, I'll rip the bandaid off really fast and then I'm going to add a new Danielle segment to the program where I mock the commercials that SNY tortures us with during these games. This will be fun and a good distraction from this loss. I promise it will!

So here we go with the super fast recap!

In the top of the first with 2 outs and Feliciano on at 2nd (Feliciano led off the inning with a single) Isaac Benjamin Davis rbi singled and the Mets took a 1-0 lead over the pesky Nats. With this run, the Mets have now scored in the first inning in 3 straight games.

This game was 1-0 until the bottom of the 7th. Santana and Hernandez were both dynamite tonight. It was a real good pitcher's duel that I was enjoying. But now to the beginning of the end. Desmond led off this inning with a single, Nieves then sac bunted and Des advanced to 2nd base. Santana then struck out the pinch hitter Alberto Gonzalez but with 2 outs and Nieves still on at 2nd, Morgan was up and Santana threw a wild pitch and Des advanced to 3rd. And then Morgan rbi singled, Desmond scored and this ball game was tied at 1, BOO.

In the top of the 9th the score was still 1-1 and Bay was the pinch hitter with 2 outs and nobody on. Before tonight Bay had statistically sucked on Canada Day. He had been 0 for 18 on Canada Day but after this at bat he ended the streak, he singled! Unfortunately Cora could care less about Canada Day and he grounded out and it was time for the bottom of the 9th.

With one out in the bottom of the 9th Feliciano walked the Met killer Willie Harris. Then Morgan got on base with a bunt single. So it was now 1 out with men on 1st and 2nd for Guzman. Guzman singled and the bases were now loaded for Zimmerman, NOOOOOOOO. Igarashi took over the pitching duties for Perpetual Pedro and yeah Rocketboy was handed over a situation no pitcher wants. To try to prevent Zimm from scoring the go ahead winning run at 3rd Jerry had the Metsies put 5 men in the infield (Feliciano joined the boys in the infield). Manuel had Frenchy playing straightaway right and Pagan was playing straightaway center. The left field line was left completely open. I think every Met fan watching knew we were going to lose in 5 4 3 2 1. Zimmerman flew out to Frenchy but there was no chance of getting Harris out at home. Harris scored, the Nats won and this loss was the Mets 9th walk off loss of the season. Yeah that's no statistic I'm proud to report.

Well enough of that vomit inducing game let's get to the commercials on SNY that you can always joke about with a fellow Mets fan! You may even know some of them by heart. I do! Am I proud of that? Maybe yes, maybe kind of no!

First up we have that Heineken commercial where "Ladies love Peter Cetera." I really don't get this commercial because I'm a lady and I don't love Cetera at all. BUT maybe I'm that one black sheep of the female race. And what does Cetera have to do with beer? Yeah this one confuses me each time I see it.

Up next "Dr. Footfix." You know the commercial that asks "Why is Dave so happy?" And of course it's not because he just proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes it's actually because his toe nails now look great in flip flops because of Dr. Footfix! Yay no more fungus for Dave or whatever was on his footsies. I just laugh at this commercial every single time I see it because it's just so ridiculously silly.

Up next is "Reds Pools And Patio Furniture." I'm going to admit how not so smart I can be. Hopefully this will make you laugh. So in this commercial this Red dude keeps talking about "Titanium pool packages" and there's this other guy who keeps asking him if in these packages certain things are included and Red then tells him they are "INCLUDED." He really stresses the "IN" portion of included, it's great. Oh now to my dumb blond moment. I once said to my Dad that guy with the white wig on (the one who keeps asking Red questions) is really good, Red not so much, his acting kind of sucks. And my Dad kindly told me they are the same person. Yes I failed to realize that the Red dude put on a wig and was playing the other guy. That silliness of mine is INCLUDED for you folks with no extra charge!

Now we have the "2010 Honda Clearance" commercial which has this opera singer and then this cartoon opera singing man belting out stuff about Honda. This commercial annoys me a lot. I'm not really a fan of opera music for one and well I just don't get the point of it. And why is the guy a cartoon? Yeah this boggles my mind. Also Adam Sandler has ruined opera for me. No person can ever top Sandler's OPERAMAN. That character he used to play during the SNL Weekend Updates of yore was just the best. Btw anyone see "Grownups?" Kevin James is a huge Metsies fan! Yeah I haven't seen it either...

Ok next we are moving right along to a Geico commercial I don't dislike that much actually. It asks the question "Would a drill sarge make a terrible therapist?" Yeah the question is something like that and yeah he would. The sarge throws a tissue box at his client, he mocks him and at one point he calls him a baby. It's actually really funny the first time you see it. After that it's only marginally funny. Who am I kidding I laugh every time. Yeah I just admitted that.

Then there's the "Dana Ford Lincoln Mercury." In this commercial you have this woman complaining about how boring her life is. Her boyfriend is so boring. The gym is so boring. Yeah she's an annoying woman who just complains and complains but the one thing she doesn't kvetch about are the prices at DANA. As she says, "Everybody knows you save at Dana." And I say everybody knows that boring boyfriend of hers could do so much better. ZING!

And finally we have the commercial for "Boulder Creek Steakhouse." This commercial opens up with a BAD NEWS BEARS style team and the coach tries to boost morale by saying, "Hey so what if we're down 15 runs and it's our last at bat. Didn't you guys ever hear of a comeback?" And then this is supposed to have something to do with steak and ribs and some other signature dishes that are only $12.99. Sorry Boulder Creek but I'm a fan of Outback Steakhouse! Shrimp on the barbie!

Well that is it folks, tomorrow is a new day and Jonathon Niese will be on the mound and hopefully the Metsies will get a victorino. We gotta believe.


  1. Was seriously laughing almost the entire time I was reading this.

  2. Danielle9:06 AM

    Well Brian then my job was done, yay! I had to think of something to cheer us up after this loss. I just had this bad feeling the whole game so I was like let me do something with the commercials in my writeup just in case this game ends badly. Damn that woman's intuition, sheesh. And I've wanted to highlight these commercials for a while. But I just realized I forgot the one about Fiberama, shame on me! And the one for Caesar's in AC with TODD who is cooler than all of us haha. Todd prob would have done a better writeup because he's TODD.
