Thursday, July 08, 2010

Bronson Arroyo Is Harder To Crack Than The Da Vinci Code

The Rubber Game: Reds 3 Mets 1

Niese vs Arroyo

Bronson Arroyo, Brandon Phillips and Chris Heisey hate Metsies fans. I think they do!

Sorry it took me so long to write this one folks. My computer again last night was being more of a drama queen than LEBRON James. It kept freezing, and then some weird blue screen with a lot of scary writing appeared. Yes it was not pretty but this morning it's behaving. So here we go!

Really there isn't much to say about this one except for the fact that Bronson Arroyo is just a puzzle the Mets can't seem to solve. He makes the NY Times Sunday crossword puzzle seem ever so easy.

After last night's win Arroyo has a 7-1 record in his last 10 starts against the Amazins. Seriously!!! Yeah he does. I guess you can never trust a pitcher with "guitar player hair." Yeah Keith Hernandez and Gary joked about Bronson's lovely locks many times last night and that was kind of fun because this game sure was not. These are Arroyo's ridiculously good stats from last night:
8IP 1R 7H 0BB 3K 99 total pitches thrown

Brandon Phillips continued his Mets killing ways as well going 2 for 5 with an rbi double in the bottom of the 7th and a solo homer that tied the game up at 1-1 in the top of the 3rd. Phillips of course hit this homer and that fricking double with 2 outs. That seems to be a major problem lately with Metsies pitchers. They'll get the first 2 outs and then they just can't make that final out without some damage being done by the opposition. And this was the 2nd time this season Phillips has homered off of Niese. Yeah yeah I guess Brandon has Nieses's number, ugh.

And this Chris Heisey is possibly a future Metsies killer. Aren't you glad we have that to look forward to? Oh you aren't glad about this. Yeah I'm not either! Not only did Heisey rob Jason Bay of a hit in the bottom of the 6th. And oh he did. Jay Bay was up with 2 outs and Wright on at 2nd and Bay hit a long fly ball that clearly looked like it would give the Metsies the lead. It was a sure hit. But nope Heisey just like Dan Uggla of the Marlins and Josh Willingham of the Nationals wears a shirt around town that says, "My name is Chris Heisey and I crush dreams." He made a great running play, and he caught this ball all the way at the edge of the warning track and instead of the Metsies being up 2-1 the inning was over and it was still a 1-1 game. Then in the top of the 7th he really just had to prove how much he loves to wear that shirt of his. With one out Heisey homered and this gave the Reds a 2-1 lead over the Metsies. And this Heisey fella now has 5 homers in only 62 at bats. You think Dusty Baker would give him more playing time with those numbers right?

The Metsies only run on the board came from a 1 out solo homer by Angel Pagan in the bottom of the first. So the Mets took a 1-0 lead over the Reds in this one and although they were 20-2 when scoring first at home they just couldn't do anything else tonight against the Reds. After the bottom of the 3rd there was no commercial break because Gary and Keith were given this time to speak with Jerry Manuel. One of the questions they asked him was "Who on this team this year has surprised you the most? And Jerry said "Angel Pagan." Keith agreed with Jerry completely and he said Pagan's played like a "major league star." And yeah he has! Hernandez then went on to predict that with the return of Beltran to the Mets starting lineup it will be Francouer and not Pagan who will be losing out on playing time. But he still thinks Frenchy will start some games. "He's not just gonna sit there and rot." Yeah Manuel has a lot to figure out with his outfielders after this all star break.

And really Niese pitched fine last night but with Arroyo and the Reds closer Francisco "Coco" Cordero shutting down the Metsies offense he had no shot at getting his 6th straight win since returning from the DL. These are Niese's pretty good numbers from last night:
7.2IP 3R 6H 1BB 8K
In fact after his first time facing the lineup he had struck out 4 Reds! I rather enjoyed that! And he got a 1 out double in the bottom of the 3rd! It was a fan interference double but still a great double.

Ok now to the wisdom from the booth!

Dusty Baker is a good friend of Keith's.

In fact Keith calls Dusty Baker "Toothpick Charlie." You know that character from the movie "Some Like It Hot." Okay I honestly haven't seen this movie either but I've heard of it!

Keith never had a desire to go parachuting.

He thinks Bronson Arroyo has "guitar player hair."

After Gary mentioned that Arroyo can no longer play the guitar because he has carpal tunnel syndrome, Keith had no pity for Bronson and he said "You can't have carpal tunnel syndrome there are more important things!" I loled at how insensitive Keith kind of was. Yeah I guess I'm a little evil like that.

Multiple times tonight Gary brought up the LEBRON press conference thingy that airs tonight and these were Keith's reactions. He joked, "I can't sleep over LEBRON." I think he was kidding around??!! Maybe not?? And then he had also remarked, "Are they making a big to do about this or what!" And yeah they are but that's America. And now with this King James business I say the following folks:

“Where were you when LEBRON finally chose a team?” This will be the question people will be asking in years to come. And I guess the best answer would be “I was home watching ESPN. I was waiting on his every word.” At 9PM on ESPN tonight, King James will announce whether he’s staying in Cleveland, going to the Knicks, the Nets or well the Heat. Maybe the Bulls? Yeah it’s nuts!

Yeah I had no idea it would come to this. I had been joking with my Dad about how funny it would be if Obama was making a speech and that was interrupted by King James because well Lebron was going to make an announcement. And of course that would trump the PRESIDENT. Duh this is the biggest news story ever. But the kicker in my silly little scenario would be that Lebron would say the following “Folks this is very hard for me. It took me so long to make this decision. But I’ve made it. After much deliberation I’ve decided to dine at PF Chang’s tonight. I’m sorry fans of the restaurants The Cheesecake Factory, The Olive Garden and Ruby Tuesday’s but Chang’s is the winner. Oh and I’m still not sure what team I’m going to. But I’m eating at Chang’s tonight!” Yes that’s how my brain works.

I just wish SNL was airing new episodes now because I know they would have thought up a great skit based on all this LEBRON nonsense. And I call it nonsense because I’m being prematurely bitter that he’s not choosing my NJ Nets. I gotta be a realist about this. Since the Heat have nabbed Bosh how is LEBRON not going to join Wade and Bosh in Miami? If I was to wager money on this one my moolah would be on King James picking the Heat! Boo to that though, ick.

Btw how is this James press conference thingy going to work anyways? It’s supposed to last an hour right? Is he not going to make the announcement until like 9:55? It’s going to be like American Idol maybe? Lebron will one by one kick a team out of the running. Ok the NJ Nets you have been great but it’s the end of the line for you…and so on. Oye. And oh how many wardrobe changes will LEBRON make? Oh how I kid.

Well folks the Metsies have off tonight but we have this LEBRON announcement to look forward to!

And Friday is a new day. Hopefully my favorite pitcher R.A. Dickey can cool down HOTLANTA because I want him to get that 7th win of his already. And well I just want the Mets to beat those annoying Bravos! They are going into this series 3 games back of Atlanta so if they could take 2 out of 3 from the Braves that would splendid.

Btw guess who is going to see the Metsies/Bravos game this Sunday? I'll give you a clue her name rhymes with Manuel! Yes folks I'll be at Citi Field Sunday and it's "Jason Bay Bobblehead" day. Yeah yeah of course that excites me. Yay to bobbleheads! And it's a Santana vs Lowe pitching duel! Yeah that excites me maybe more than the Jay Bay bobblehead! It does. I hope to have great stories to write about...

Make it a great day folks!

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