Saturday, June 19, 2010

Derek Jeter Has The Day Off And Phil Hughes Takes Over The Ford Edge Duties. Phil Totally Has "The Edge" Over Pelf And The Mets, BOO!

Game 2: Yanks 5 Mets 3

Pelfrey vs Hughes

Lady Gaga was not at the stadium this afternoon but she must have turn-coated back to the Mets bandwagon after last night's victorino because the Amazins 8 game winning streak was snapped! So yeah in times like this I blame Gaga. She's a good scapegoat, right? Speaking of Gaga I must retract what I said yesterday. I reported that she was dressed appropriately for game 1. Well today I saw pictures of her in the Daily News and on the internet and nope she was pretty naked. Take a look.

I mean seriously she can't afford pants? Or at least shorts? The camera man for SNY really tricked me. Since he only showed Gaga from the waist up and she looked covered up I assumed she was. I guess I'm naive. I learned never to give Gaga the benefit of the doubt. Ok but enough of this let me get to the facts about today's game.

Well the last time these two pitchers faced one another the Metsies won and Hughes received the one blemish on his almost perfect record.

In all of Hughes 12 starts this season the Yanks have supplied him with great run support, an average of 7.9 runs to be exact. I guess that should have been a sign that the Metsies might be in trouble today.

So going into today's game Hughes and Pelf both had 9-1 records and well it was safe to assume it might be a pitcher's duel out there at Yankee Stadium. I disregarded the Yanks stats I just listed about them being offensive monsters with Phil on the mound. Stats shmats! Unfortunately the Yanks numbers today didn't really lie and those Bronx Bombers made up for last night's offensive drought. Still this game wasn't a slug fest but it also was no pitcher's duel and all in all it was for the most part not fun to watch. Personally for me it's just painful to watch Pelf struggle on the mound and for most of the 7 innings he pitched he was just a mess. My friend texted me during the game and she was like "You know how they have free giveaways at the game, well when Pelf pitches they should give away Xanax." And boy she is right. Let me get to the recap and oh I have great booth action because we need it after this one!

Mets Starting Lineup:


Top of the 1st:
Jose Reyes led this game off with a solo homer and the Metsies were up 1-0 over the Yanks! There was a lot being said about the Metsies celebrating during yesterday's game and one of the Mets who was being singled out for gloating a little too much was Jose. Yeah it's true, Reyes, Takahashi, Feliciano and KRod were super excited yesterday and they weren't shy about showing that but they were happy, it was a great game, it happens. Anyways back to the first inning. That solo homer of Jose's is his 4th HR of the season and it's the 16th time in his career he's led off a game with a HR! And he now has an 11 game hitting streak! But the fun ended there, Hughes then went on to retire the side in order.

Bottom of the 1st:

Derek Jeter had the day off and yep the Yanks didn't need him at all. The "edge-less" one will hopefully stay "edge-less" tomorrow afternoon. So the lead off batter was Gardner and he led this inning off with a single, BOO. Swisher then singled and Gardner advanced to 3rd, BOO. With no outs and men on the corners Teixeira grounded into a double play, so he still proved he is in that nasty slump of his but Gardner scored and the game was tied, 1-1. ARod grounded out to end the inning, YAY!

Top of the 2nd:

Bay led this inning off with a single. Gary and Keith were glad Bay got a hit (as was I, oh I was) and then they discussed how horrible Bay was last night. Keith said it was possibly the worst Bay had played all season. He remarked, "I felt he got very defensive last night and I know that can happen when you are in a dark force and the goblins are after you. Gary then replied, "What color are those goblins." And Keith bragged, "They never caught me." Carter then grounded into a double play and Frenchy flew out and the side was retired.

Top of the 3rd:

Blanco was walked with one out. Then Jose said "I just gotta be me, so I'm gonna hit another home run and smile non-stop," and he did just that. Reyes' 2nd homer of the game (his 5th of the season) gave the Metsies a 3-0 lead over the Yanks. The last time Jose hit 2 homers in a game was on May 26, 2008. Gary then remarked, "His enthusiasm might fire up the other side but it is not doing too bad for this side either." With 1 out and the bases empty Pagan was walked and it was time for Davey to prove he's not "edge-less" and before he could do that Pagan tried to steal 2nd and Posada threw him out! Yeah Tom Sizemore Cervelli wasn't in today's game but Posada proved he's still pretty good when it comes to actually doing more than designated hitting. His throw was so on the money, ugh, stop being a good catcher Jorge. Wright then struck out and the inning was over.

Bottom of the 3rd:
Gardner led off with a single. Swisher then grounded out and with 1 out and Gardner on at 2nd it was time for Mr. Mark "Slumpy" Teixeira. And yeah he decided he doesn't like my nickname for him and he said, "Eff this, I'm busting out of my funk" and he homered and the ball game was tied once again, 3-3. BUT Pelf bounced back, and he struck out ARod and Cano grounded out and the side was retired.

Top of the 4th:
Hughes retired the Metsies in order this inning, Davis grounded out and then Bay and Carter flew out. But still this top of the 4th had some comedy in it. Kevin Burkhardt did a segment about Yankee Stadium and well a guy gave him those classic "BUNNY EARS," take a look.

Kevin had no idea this was happening and I'm assuming this A-Hole must be a fan of ARod and the Yanks. I think us Mets fans are a little more mature than this. So Burkhardt informed the booth and the fans watching PIX 11 that the original Yankee Stadium was built in 284 days (which was just in time for opening day) and that it only cost 2.5 million dollars to build. The new Yankee Stadium cost 1.5 billion to erect. So yeah times have changed. Gary then joked about how things were built a lot faster back then and Ron made a funny, "I'm putting in a new kitchen and it's taking 284 days." Oh Ron you are a comedian!

Bottom of the 4th:
Not Tom Sizemore Cervelli but Jorge Posada was on first with a lead off walk. And then Granderson made me scream at my television and he homered. The Yanks had taken the lead over the Metsies 5-3, BOO. Pena then flew out, Russo grounded out and with 2 outs and nobody on it was time for Gardner. Before I get to his at bat I must delve into this great discussion that took place in the booth. This was a convo that well all Mets fans needed after that heartbreaking home run. Here we go:

Do you notice I have my Howie Rose black shirt on?
Ron: Hahahahahahahaha did you tell Howie you are going to mention that?
Keith: I don't know how I fit into it. It's busting at the seams.

Gary: Howie is a little bored. Howie has a whole closet full of those black shirts.
Keith: I really should have worn the black shirt last night not during the beautiful day game. Black sort of attracts the rays of the sun.
Gary: Well the Mets are wearing their black shirts.
Keith: It's true.
Gary: You are almost in uniform.

And then Gardner grounded out and this horrible inning was over!

Gary mentioned during the top of the 5th that every time Hughes has been handed the lead in this 2010 season he's never given it up, ugh. Reyes in this 5th inning was up with 2 outs and he struck out. I never heard Yankee Stadium so far in this series as loud as after that swing and a miss. Oh making Yankee fans happy, SUCKS!

Bottom of the 5th:
Pelfrey pitched a 1,2,3 inning. Swish, Teixeira and AROD were sent packing nice and fast, YAY!

Top of the 6th:
The Metsies had a real good opportunity to make a comeback this inning but they failed. Pagan led off with a single but then Wright popped up, 1 out. During Davis' at bat Hughes threw a wild pitch and Pagan moved on over to 2nd very very easily. So with Angel on 2nd and 1 out Ike was also walked, YAY. But Jason Bay proved that single of his from before was just a fluke and he sucked it up just like he did last night. He grounded into an inning ending double play and yep it hurt.

Top of the 7th:
The Mets again could do nothing this inning against Hughes but during Carter's at bat Gary made a good point. He said that today is probably The Animal's last time DH-ing. With tomorrow being the last game the Metsies are playing at an American League ball park and Sabathia pitching it's very likely Tatis will be the designated hitter. And Mr. Cohen then mused about how much playing time Chris will actually get after today. And yeah it's probably not going to be much was the consensus in the booth.

Bottom of the 7th:
Pelf again retired the side in order, YAY! ADIOS Gardner, Swish and Teixeira!

Top of the 8th:

Joba Chamberlain took over the pitching duties for the Yanks and although he gave up a 2 out double to Pagan the Mets could do nothing. Wright struck out and Joba was out of the jam. Davey was just off today and it was hard to watch him revert to the strike out king again.

Bottom of the 8th:

This was a great inning just in terms of watching the Metsies bullpen fight back. Igarashi came in to take over for Pelf and although he got into major major trouble he proved he still has some tricks up his sleeve when he's on the hot seat. Btw Barajas was now catching. ARod led off this inning with a walk. Then Cano hit a long fly ball, Pagan lost it due to possibly the sun and Cano was on 2nd with a double. So with 2nd and 3rd and nobody out Posada was up. And he flew out and the runners stayed put, YAY. Then Iggy struck out Granderson and the Metsies were one out away from getting out of this sticky situation. Iggy got Pena to ground out and the inning was over. Yay to Rocketboy!

Top of the 9th:

Mariano Rivera came in to get the save and well unfortunately he made it look so darn easy out there. But before he faced any batters the booth had another convo that was pretty hilarious. After the commercial break Gary had to promote what was coming up next on PIX 11 and that was "Time Life Music: Pop Memories Of The 60's."

Peter Horton.
Keith: Oh very good. How old are you?
Gary: Not quite as old as you GRANDPA.
Then Gary mentioned Ron's big birthday that's coming up and yep he's turning a half century and Keith said, "It happens."

OH Keith Hernandez what would I do without you. Seriously thank you for making this game not as horrible as it could have been.

Ok back to the top of the 9th. Davis led off this inning and he struck out. Bay then grounded out and Carter also grounded out. I told you it was way too easy for Rivera.

And the Yankees win, the Yankees win. NOOOOOOOO I hate typing this! It should be illegal.

It's a shame Pelf didn't have his stuff today because oh it would have been so nice to see him go to 10-1 and for the Mets to continue this amazing tear they have been on. But we all knew this day was coming, reality was going to set back in eventually. And all I can say is I still love this squad, the chemistry on this team is amazing and tomorrow is a new day.

Santana vs Sabathia for the rubber game!

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