Thursday, May 20, 2010

Wright With Two Strikes

A great, great article by ESPN New York. Well-written, and even more well-researched. I'll let it speak for itself:
In his last 17 plate appearances that have gone to two strikes, Wright has struck out 13 times. He's grounded out weakly twice. He's walked twice.

That's a totally different kind of Wright than the one we've seen previously.

We've written in our various forums about Wright's struggles, how he's being pitched to differently (fastballs in, offspeed away) since he was hit in the head with, what we might remind you, was an 0-2 fastball. A two-strike that was not in the strike zone.

Our colleague in Stats and Info, Katie Sharp, updated something we'd looked at in various forms previously. Since returning on Sept. 1, 2009, Wright is 0-for-46 against two-strike pitches that are not in the strike zone.

Most hitters don't get hits against two-strike pitches out of the strike zone, but Wright had eight in 2009 prior to being hit in the head. Eight hits. It was something he could do then, that he can't do now.

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