Monday, February 22, 2010

Follow Us On Twitter!

Not many people I think are aware of this (yes, I blame it almost entirely on blogger;s layout as well as my lack of internet-savvy) but Fonzie Forever can be found on twitter.

Follow us at @fonzieforever! Roger is our twitter guy here at FF, and he updates with links to all of our new articles. If you follow us, you will also get gems like this:

-- When Johan was asked to name best guitar player in Central America, he replied, "Santana." 9:26 AM Feb 18th from TweetDeck

-- At this rate, Kelvim Escobar will be downgraded to "deceased" by tomorrow. 8:49 AM Feb 18th from TweetDeck

-- I can sure go for 8 mil tacos right about now...RT @SI_JonHeyman: lincecum gets 8 mil in 2010, 13mil in 2011 plus 2 mil signing bonus

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